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While we might not be able to physically do all the things we want in the age of social distancing it’s essential to stay busy and maintain an optimistic mindstate. Hence we present a list of shows to help get you started on your next project. It may be a minute before you can get all your supplies but at least you can start taking notes and developing the techniques. After all, while those idle hands roll another joint, you need something to keep you mentally engaged.

Lego Masters: Currently airing on Fox Wednesday nights and streaming on Hulu the next day, Lego Masters is a competition show hoping to find the best lego building team in the country. We recommend this show because you might actually have the supplies to participate already. That and we love a good competition show while high. Each “build-off” lasts practically the whole day so constructing lego may be just time consuming enough to combat your indoor boredom even while distracted from chain-smoking joints. Lego Masters offers plenty of drama (oh yea, these people take lego real seriously). We’re not sure we would be as committed if it wasn’t hosted by the always wry Will Arnett, but thankfully it is, and watching him smash the builder’s creation in episode 2 (while they look on in horror of course) is absolutely worth it. And thankfully, this show is still airing it’s first season so you’ll hopefully have time to binge before the finale in a few weeks.

Repair Shop: We could all use some more positivity in our lives. That’s where Netflix’s Repair Shop comes in. You could think of this as Netflix’s attempt at a PBS version of a craft show. There is no inter-team yelling. There are no anxious breakdowns. Repair Shop consists of British antique experts being brought old possessions in need of restoration and then fixing them because that’s not only their job but also what they love to do. We get it; we thought it might be boring too. But there we were, stuck to the couch (and not because of some stoney GG4). Enjoying it high, you’re almost overwhelmed by the calm of watching jovial older ladies repair a cherished teddy bear older than the Blitzkrieg or a meticulous man with layered specs bring a grandfather clock back from the brink. For a show with no real conflict, you’ll be surprised by just how wrapped up you can get. And maybe you’ll be inspired to hit the Green Crack and start refurbishing things all over your house.

Making It: In keeping with the positivity theme, Making It, watchable on Hulu, is about as far away from competitive as a competition show could be. Hosted by Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman, Making It is the crafting equivalent of The Great British Bake Off. These are passionate people, usually with at least one exceptionally unique skill, who just want to create incredible projects. Honestly, we don't remember if the makers even win anything on this show other than iron-on patches, that’s how uncompetitive it feels (feel free to insert your own joke about stoner’s memories here, we can’t remember one of those either). The not-so-competitors have to make different sorts of projects each episode so there is nobody who feels like a clear winner immediately from the beginning. A lot of the show is Amy and Nick, which is appreciated as we didn’t know we were desperate for more of that relationship since the end of Parks and Rec. This is probably the only show on the list where you might actually want to take notes. Make sure to find your pencil before you start hitting your pen.

Rust Valley Restorers: Fair warning: this is a car show (which we still think counts as a craft show. Right?... It’s a creative endeavor, we stand by it). But it's important to point out that Netflix’s Rust Valley Restorers is a Canadian car show. Why does this matter? Well, the archetypes of people that you see on all the low budget car shows on basic American cable aren’t here. Mike, along with his son and his best friend, just wants to fix up cars that the average buyer can afford. Sure, there are tensions as with any good construct-and-flip show. Things don’t go smoothly the whole time; but, it's car problems in British Columbia and they’ve got like 400 more cars if that one doesn’t work out, so it’s not high stress. If you’re not so into cars, just smoke up during the restoration parts so that you can laugh your ass off when then inevitably do dumb stuff.

Blown Away: If ever there was a craft show for stoners, Blown Away on Netflix is it. We’re not saying that we saved the best for last but what’s more stoney than glassblowing. Yet another competition show, ten glass blowers compete to create some of the most visually stunning works of craftsmanship that can be appreciated from this whole list of shows. Seriously, these pieces are so incredible and engrossing that you’ll even stop laughing at the funny artisan words like punty and gloryhole, regardless of how high you are. Also, we had no idea that there were glassblower personality stereotypes before watching this but there totally are. As inhabitants of the Pacific Northwest, we’re no strangers to the art of fine glass and glassblowing. Trust us when we say, this show hits the mark. These artisans aren’t the ones selling trippy globs of glass at the weekend fair or festival. But watching the pain and struggle they go through will make you appreciate your collection of bongs and bubblers a bit more.

Words: TJ Gagnier

Photos: Jesse Codling


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